Friday, November 18, 2011

Prepping for the Clinic

by Atomic Athletic on Friday, November 18, 2011 at 5:31pm

Here is a FANTASTIC question. I had a guy call up asking for the best way to prep himself for the BGSU 2011 Strength Summit.

I have been to so many of these clinics where people just show up and sit there with a glazed look in their eyes. This guy wanted to actually be prepared to get the most out of the clinic! Good for him! He will probably learn the most.

The three basic topics are: “Olympic Weightlifting”, “Speed Training” and “The Core Lifts”. All of the Demos and Presentations will fit into those categories. Obviously, someone who is really serious could jump on the internet and hunt and peck around for similar information. However, here is what I recommend. Start off with the power clean.

  1. The “Power Clean Clinic DVD” is an outstanding place to start, if you want to improve your power clean. It is basically me working with two different athletes, who already do decent power cleans, and bringing up their numbers in the course of a three hour clinic. I have even reviewed it for my own technique issues, just to jar my memory. We all get stuck into a rut occasionally.
    Here is the link:
Fred Lowe did a mini-clinic on the Olympic lifts at our 2009 Atomic Athletic Great Black Swamp Olde Time Strongman Picnic. He is a 3 time Olympian. Enough said.
Here is the link:
Arthur Dreschler's “Weightlifting Encyclopedia” is exactly what is sounds like, an encyclopedia of everything you can think of regarding the snatch and clean & jerk.
Here is the link:

Now start prepping. See you at the clinic. Here is the clinic link:

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

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