Friday, December 16, 2011

Hack Squats for Olympic Lifting

by Atomic Athletic on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 5:48pm

The old school strongmen had some really innovative ways of training. Sometimes you did a lift to force someone to learn technique, they just happened to get strong at the same time.

Where did I read about this one? I have no idea. Yet, I remember reading that a deadlift, which “started from the floor and behind the calves” was helpful in learning the clean. Whoever wrote that was absolutely correct.

Use the same barbell that you will be using to do your cleans. Use the same hand position on the bar. Here are some of the things that the Hack Lift will force you to do.

  1. High Chest
  2. Narrow grip will make you have narrow foot position off the floor
  3. Curling your wrists
  4. Pulling the bar back

Try doing three hack lifts then immediately do three power cleans with those ideas in mind.

Don't worry. You do not even have to do super heavy weight in the Hack Lift to get those benefits for your cleans.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Iron Grip IWF Spec Bar

Vic Boff Collection

Traditional Training Legendary Strength

Solid Rubber Discs


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Olympic Weightlifting at BGSU

by Atomic Athletic on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 5:06pm

BGSU has some nice Olympic weightlifting. The coaching staff actually teaches technique and you can see it in every lift.

I doubt you can find a collegiate strength coach today who would say they don't do some variation on the Olympic lifts. I also know that you would be hard pressed to be able to actually walk in to see their technique and how they teach their athletes. I have seen technique that is all over the map. That's to be expected by freshmen, but for upperclassmen, it can be scary. This is reflected in their equipment.

If you want to focus on your Olympic lifts then you need decent equipment. No one would expect a football player to go out on game day with a broken helmet. Yet, I will see coaches using forcing their athletes to do power cleans with bars that have ends that are seized up and don't rotate. Worse yet, that bar might have only one end that rotates. That is simply dangerous.

I highly recommend the Iron Grip IWF Spec Olympic Bar. For those of you who went to the clinic last weekend, that is the bar you saw at BGSU in the Olympic lifting area. That great rotation you felt, was because of the German needle bearings in the ends. Nice stuff. It makes for quick turnover on clean and snatch movements.

Here is the link:

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Books n Videos with Iron Boots

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 at 4:43pm

At the BGSU Strength Summit, I introduced Iron Boots and Indian Clubs to a lot of people who had never previously heard of them. The big question was, “where do I find out more about these training techniques?”

Here is a list of information sources for the Iron Boots:

Atomic Athletic Leg Development Course

Atomic Athletic Ankle Stability Kit

Classic Core Training

The Art of Hojo Undo: Power Training for Traditional Karate

Traditional Training Legendary Strength

The Vic Boff Collection

Study and absorb all of this information and you will be well on your way to being an expert on Iron Boot training.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

PS. We also have one set of Antique York Barbell Iron Boots with the Original York Leg Development Course – WITH the original POSTER! (They are in as close to freshly printed mint condition as you can possibly imagine. They didn't look this good on the news stand in 1950!) Here is the link:

Monday, December 12, 2011

5 Iron Boot Exercises with Variations

by Atomic Athletic on Monday, December 12, 2011 at 5:16pm

The Bowling Green State University Strength Summit was fantastic. There were a lot of naysayers who said that a December clinic wouldn't get anybody and they were wrong. Explosive lifting, from the pure Olympic lifts to accessory exercises to support tools and training really worked. It was a topic that brought in the coaches.

This was the first time I had done Iron Boot training as a topic and it won't be my last. Of course, I also did Indian clubs, with about a 50/50 split and it was a good combination.

We covered four basic exercises with variations: Reverse Hyper-Extensions, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls and Thai Knee Strikes. We had variations on these exercises that included the use of three different types of benches and three different types of bars and loading techniques. I could have gone on forever.

Free Weight Hip Extensions
I prefer to call the Reverse Hyper-Extension a Free Weight Hip Extension. It is more descriptive of the tool and actual movement.

Andy, my assistant, demonstrated the Iron Boot exercises. We used all three types of benches, from a Power-Lift brand Reverse Back Extension with the weight arm removed, to a Glute-Ham bench and then a basic flat table. As I have sold Iron Boots for many years now, I have found that most people will use the Glute Ham bench in a reversed position. Of course, everyone uses more weight with the boots linked with the 20” bar than with the short bars as an iso exercise.

More on the Clinic with Exercises tomorrow. We are also going to try and put up some video footage. Stay tuned.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe 

Friday, December 9, 2011

BGSU Strength Summit 2011

by Atomic Athletic on Friday, December 9, 2011 at 4:15pm

Don't forget that BGSU has their Strength Clinic tomorrow.

Download the PDF from our web site. You can register in person tomorrow morning.

Here is the link:

Atomic Athletic President, Roger LaPointe, will be speaking around noon, with a demo featuring the Iron Boots & Indian Clubs, with applications to Explosive Lifting. Rumor has it that there will be a demo of both the Thai Knee Kick and the ISO Reverse Hyper movements.

See you there!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gift Certificates!

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 at 3:37pm

The perfect gift for a strength fan.

When a good evening includes rust, chalk and sweat mix, achieved through a PR in an ice cold garage, then you have a real lifter on your hands. 

Strength training is an essential part of life for this person, but you don't know which specific item will be best for this prehistoric behemoth or martial arts guru. 

That is when you need a gift certificate.

Take the decision making process out of your hands. 

Our most popular gift certificate is for $25, but we will do them in any amount, if you call your order in. Other common sizes are $100, $500 and $1000. Otherwise use multiples of $25 to make your purchase on the web. 

Gift Certificate Link:

FREE SHIPPING on Gift Certificates!
Order today to recieve yours by the Holidays!

"Today is a good day to lift."
Atomic Athletic Gift Certificates!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hack Squat Positioning

by Atomic Athletic on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 5:10pm

Did you try the Hack Lift last night? If so, then if you didn't know it before, you do now. The Hack Lift is very different from both the standard deadlift and the clean pull.

Let's look at body types first. All of my tips are based on personal experience. I am a life long natural lifter who is 40 years old. While I am a short guy, I have a fairly normal skeletal structure for limb length ratios. Which is actually somewhat unusual, but great for commenting on lifting technique. If you are one of those ape arm guys, you have a serious advantage in the Hack Lift and most of this Atomic Athletic Bomb Proof Bulletin won't apply to you. Now, the rest of the world can keep reading.

I have found the most important concept for the Hack Lift is arm length. Since we can't increase the length of our arms, we can maximize what god gave us. You want to grab the bar with a hand placement that is at a genuine shoulder width. For most lifters, this is actually a little narrower than the grip you use for a power clean. This also leads to a narrower foot position with almost parallel feet.

Technique Benefit
Many lifters engage the biceps during a deadlift, clean or power clean. Also, as you lift, don't pull with the biceps. In fact, you will find it very difficult to pull with the biceps in a Hack Lift. When I am teaching the power clean, I will sometimes have the lifter do a complex like this, Hack Lift, Power Clean, Power Clean before moving into full cleans or heavy clean pulls.

Try that complex in your next workout and you might find that actually have a much easier time staying over the bar in your cleans and power cleans.


Roger LaPointe
“Today is a good day to lift.”

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hack Squats with a Barbell

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 4:47pm

Yep. You read it correctly. Before the days of the big commercial gyms, Hack Squats were not machines associated with the leg press, but a barbell lift!

George Hackenschmidt was one of the greatest professional wrestlers and strongmen of his generation, ie. About a hundred years ago. The USAWA actually calls it the Hack Lift, which is more appropriate, because it rightfully belongs in the deadlift category. Amazingly, because of the bar starting position, it works your body in a way that is almost a cross between a deadlift and a squat, yet is also totally different from a Trap Bar (Shrug Bar) Lift.

USAWA Rulebook Description of the Hack Lift B16.
“The rules of the Deadlift apply except that the bar will be placed on the platform behind the lifter, and will be lifted behind the lifter. Any grip may be used. The bar may touch the calves and the rear of the upper legs as it rises. Should it bind against the upper legs, the bar may be stopped momentarily while a hip adjustment is made. The bar must not be lowered during the adjustment.”

Try this lift. I have had lifters use this to train back position for the power clean. I will get into some details for body positioning with some more additional tips in the future Atomic Athletic Bomb Proof Bulletins. For now, just refer to the sequence photos and lift description. You can't quite grasp what I will be talking about until you have tried this movement.

1st TIP: Make sure you use bumper plates, if you are doing lower reps and heavier weight. I always dump the heavy ones after the lockout. Try lowering it and you will know why.

USAWA Nationals has some of the best Hack Lifting you will ever see in a contest!

Leg Development DVD


Live Strong
Roger LaPointe

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Take advantage of our new Free Shipping on Stocking Stuffers!!

Atomic Athletic is offering Free Shipping on all of the items in our Stocking Stuffer Category!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Prepping for the Clinic

by Atomic Athletic on Friday, November 18, 2011 at 5:31pm

Here is a FANTASTIC question. I had a guy call up asking for the best way to prep himself for the BGSU 2011 Strength Summit.

I have been to so many of these clinics where people just show up and sit there with a glazed look in their eyes. This guy wanted to actually be prepared to get the most out of the clinic! Good for him! He will probably learn the most.

The three basic topics are: “Olympic Weightlifting”, “Speed Training” and “The Core Lifts”. All of the Demos and Presentations will fit into those categories. Obviously, someone who is really serious could jump on the internet and hunt and peck around for similar information. However, here is what I recommend. Start off with the power clean.

  1. The “Power Clean Clinic DVD” is an outstanding place to start, if you want to improve your power clean. It is basically me working with two different athletes, who already do decent power cleans, and bringing up their numbers in the course of a three hour clinic. I have even reviewed it for my own technique issues, just to jar my memory. We all get stuck into a rut occasionally.
    Here is the link:
Fred Lowe did a mini-clinic on the Olympic lifts at our 2009 Atomic Athletic Great Black Swamp Olde Time Strongman Picnic. He is a 3 time Olympian. Enough said.
Here is the link:
Arthur Dreschler's “Weightlifting Encyclopedia” is exactly what is sounds like, an encyclopedia of everything you can think of regarding the snatch and clean & jerk.
Here is the link:

Now start prepping. See you at the clinic. Here is the clinic link:

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cool New Winter Hats

Winter is coming! Hold onto your hat, it's gonna be a cold one...

Wait a minute, your old knit cap has grease smudges and smells kinda funky? You don't want to be seen like that. Have some respect for yourself and check out the brand NEW Atomic Athletic Fleece Winter Hats!

Our hats have the full color Atomic Athletic logo embroidered on the front. The stretchy fleece they are made of is amazingly comfortable.

Here is the link:

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Classic Starlet's Legs

by Atomic Athletic on Friday, November 11, 2011 at 4:48pm

Beautiful pair of legs? Thank you girls, show me a pair from old Hollywood. Yes, some girls also call some men's legs beautiful. So, if you have always wondered how a guy like John Grimek, or the Hollywood starlets of the 1940's and 50's got those great gams, they all did it with the same exercises.

Check out these hot photos of Abbye “Pudgy” Stockton, from the March 1947 issue ofStrength & Health magazine. She was much more than a lifter and writer. She was a trainer as well. In addition to doing the standard free weight leg exercises, like squats and lunges, she promoted extensive use of the Iron Boots. Great legs do not require a room full of exercise machines, but the are the result of great education.

Here is the secret. Folks, they used Iron Boots for an extensive list of exercises. Abbye shows 5 Iron Boot exercises in this one article alone. Any Cross Fit girl should be thrilled to have Abbye's legs, abs and entire physique.

Exercise #8: “Leg Swinging” is one of the more unusual and forgotten exercises. I love this Iron Boot exercise because in addition to the benefits mentioned by Abbye, many Atomic Athletic customers have reported that it is good for reducing sciatic pain. For those of you unfamiliar, sciatica can have a number of causes, but it is very basically any kind of tenderness or pain associated with the sciatic nerve that runs down the back of the leg.

Here is how you perform the exercise. “Lie on back. Place arms out to the sides in a straight line with the shoulders. Keeping the knees locked – raise the right leg (toes pointed) and try to touch the left hand with the right toe. Do not allow the upper body to move or twist-- the movement should be in the hips.” Then make sure to do the opposite leg as well, obviously doing the opposite movements, left toe to right hand. Make sure the leg moves in a nice slow high arc.

If you would like to see photos of all eight exercises, you will need to check out the Atomic Athletic Facebook page and go to the Notes section. You will find this Atomic Athletic Bomb Proof Bulletin, as well as many past bulletins.


Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

406 Pound Engine Lift

I know, there was a guy in high school auto shop class that was scary strong.  I am going to bet that he couldn't do lift an engine like this.  The photo shows Strongman Arthur Dandurand from the April 1930 issue of Strength magazine.

If you want to learn how to most efficiently and explosively lift odd objects, you will want to check out these three items:

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

All You Can Do

by Atomic Athletic on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 5:27pm

I was reminded today that a really smart guy once said:

 “All you can do is everything you can do to improve yourself. Everything will then fall into place.”

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe



Monday, October 31, 2011

Building Beautiful Legs

by Atomic Athletic on Monday, October 31, 2011 at 5:22pm

When a woman becomes serious about building a great set of legs, there is nothing that will stop her.   When I bought this set of “Iron Boots”, they had to be pulled out for a Retro Photo shoot, 1950's picnic style.   Marie is using a genuine pair of antique Joe Weider Beuti-Boots “For lovely legs – straight and shapely.”

Try the exercise out that you see in the photos.  It if very important for you to have as little support under the hamstrings as possible.  That will allow for the most abdominal and hip flexor work.  You will also find the without supporting the leg, like on a leg extension machine, you will also give much better work for the quads, both around the knee and in the middle front.  That will provide a shape to a woman's leg that you won't believe.

Live strong,

PS.  Marie went nuts over the 1950's retro look, but clearly had no problem using them.  First time hauling them out of the box we could tell she needed more weight, but those old boots were NOT adjustable like our larger Iron Boots.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Free T-Shirt with Order

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 5:00pm
Atomic Athletic is giving away a FREE T-shirt with every order of $50, or more.  This deal starts now and ends on Tuesday November 1, 2011, or when we run out of shirts.

We are cleaning out the shirt bins so that we can get more cool styles printed.  We just have too much apparel in back stock, so you get a deal.

All you have to do is place your order of $50 or more (before shipping costs) on-line and you get a free T-shirt.  Make sure to put your size in the “Customer Instructions” section.  The style of shirt will be our choice.  Those of you who forget to put in your size will get a size we think you might fit into. How will we know your size? Telepathy? Guessing? You get the idea.

Get your order in now!

“Today is a good day to lift!”
Roger LaPointe

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Vic Boff Collection

by Atomic Athletic on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 5:14pm
Vic Boff's Body Builders Bible
Amazing Memorabilia DVD
Feats of Strength Book

"Feats of Strength" is the booklet you could buy, if you were in the right place at the right time. Now is your time. Don't miss out.

You've heard the stories about Vic Boff, the founder of the Association of Old Time Barbell & Strongmen, giving certain individuals a book that he was "selling"?

Well, those stories are true. Vic had this book, which he really "put together". It is a real How-To Book that has many of the various classic strongman feats of strength. If some of these look familiar, with some familiar art and stories, there is a good reason for that. Vic was a ghost writer for a number of publishers, so this will look like a strange publication.
With 33 pages of content, we have remained faithful with formatting, except that it is done on higher grade paper with a spiral binding, instead of the saddle stitching of the original. That allows it to lay flat if you are using it as the hands on manual it was written to be.

Live Strong
Roger LaPointe

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Partial One Hand Deadlifts

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 5:21pm
I had a great call from a customer about the Kettlebell Handles.

He has been working his One Hand Barbell Deadlifts.  Well, one classic way to increase poundage pretty quickly is to train with partials.  He found that the Kettlebell Handles can kill two birds with one stone.

He set up a couple of standard size bars, in a semi-permanent type situation, with a kettlebell handle in the center of the bar.  This way he doesn't need to do test lifts to find the center of the bar, while he is also turning the lift into a partial movement.  The Kettlebell Handle raises the “starting height” by about four inches.  He then uses our Allen Collars on the inside edges of his kettlebell handle, so there is even less that can catch on his leg.

Try this out.  It is a pretty cool way to lift.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Kettlebell Handles

Allen Collars

Monday, October 17, 2011

DIY Farmers Walks

by Atomic Athletic on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 5:24pm
Variations on the Farmers Walk Event are almost endless.  You can measure distance, time or weight.  Of course, the rules can also vary.  For example, some events let you drop the units and pick them back up again, while many don't; once a unit touches the ground then you are done.  Occasionally, you will see a farmers walk event where they allow lifting straps, which pretty much eliminates grip strength from the contest.  Finally, you have the objects themselves, the variations of which can be endless.

Making your own farmers walk units is easy with Atomic Athletic.  We do have our own competition grade Farmers Walk Units.  However, if you are the typical garage gym guy, then you are looking for versatile units that can be made up on the spot, possibly with parts you already have.

Here is what I recommend:
Pair of Kettlebell Handles
2 Sets of 4 Allen Collars
Pair of Long Dumbbell Bars (the type without welded inside collars)
2 Pair of Wrenchless Screw Type Collars
Lots of Standard Size Plates

Of course, you could always just grab a pair of dumbbells and start walking.

Live Strong
Roger LaPointe

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Garage Rope Climbing

by Atomic Athletic on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 5:25pm
I am tired of hearing about guys who “can't” do rope climbing because they don't have the ceiling space.
You simply don't need twenty foot ceilings to work rope climbing. I have many customers who hang a rope off their rafters, in their standard garage and practice rope climbing. The dedicated ones even get to the point of doing “Touch'N Go” style climbing in an L-Sit. One guy started off weighing 300 pounds and not able to hang from a chin-up bar. A hundred pounds of bodyweight down the drain and he is doing one hand chins and those “Touch'N Go” Climbs.

Cool dude.

If you can't do a chin-up, start with any kind of pulling/rowing exercises on our Rack Ropes and assisted chins and pull-ups. You will be ripping out 10 dead hang pull-ups in a hurry. You just have to dedicate yourself. You may have to lose some weight at the same time. You know what to do. Dedicate yourself.

The first time you hit ten reps, everyone will see that accomplishment in the way you walk. It's up to you.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Rack Rope

Rope Page

Chin-up Page

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There's a Cold Wind Coming

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 5:21pm
I am really excited about the insulation we are installing at the Atomic Athletic Warehouse Gym.  You see, the Warehouse Gym is in our UNHEATED Warehouse.  This will cut down on the breeze.  Once that place gets cold, it will just stay that way.  We have to work with it.

Hats are an absolute necessity at the warehouse.  I fell in love with the York Barbell Club Knit Hats last year.  They are not too bulky and they keep the heat from blowing right out the top of my shaved head.

They are black with white letters.  That's it.  They look great with any other winter clothes.

Once you get warm-up, nice and hot, they will get sweaty just like anything else.  I think they do a great job going through the laundry.  Maybe you have your favorite, but this is mine.  

We have about half a dozen in stock right now.  Get yours now, because there is a cold wind blowing and it is coming for you.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pure Rebellion

by Atomic Athletic on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 4:44pm
Picking up the phone I heard silence, followed by the distinctive sound of an old man clearing his throat.  I still answer the phone and talk to customers.  I used to love it, but in today's world of instant gratification I rarely hear from anyone with a clue about how to hold a conversation.  This guy was different.  I knew I could help him out.

Still lifting sixty or more years after he first picked up a barbell, he told me of a time when that act alone was pure rebellion.  It was an age before Arnold.  No one had a gym membership, because you were lucky if there was even a YMCA in your town, regardless of whether or not there was a set of weights in the basement.  Almost all the gyms were garage gyms, because commercial ones didn't really exist.

Tough guys in motorcycle jackets lifted weights and wore white undershirts, to show off their rebellion.  Today, everybody wears t-shirts, with or without a clever picture or slogan. 

Athletes, you defied your coach if you lifted weights, because weightlifting made you “muscle bound”. 
I never considered my weightlifting to be an act of rebellion, but this old guy remembered that first day he picked up a barbell.  That thing could have been red hot out of the foundry, burning the experience into his brain because it screamed rebellion. His older brother learned to lift weights in the navy, the one who had come home with the tattoo of a hot red head pin-up girl, not his brother the army officer.

I guess things have come full circle.  When you lift in your garage, instead of a commercial gym, you are rebelling.  If you lift free weights, instead of running on treadmills and lifting with machines, you are rebelling.  Heck, just lifting heavy low reps is considered an act of rebellion today.  “Cut abs” seem to be more important than a strong back.

That old guy was building a gym for his grandson.  He sent me a couple photos and told me to match his gym as closely as possible.  You guessed it.  He hadn't updated anything since the 1950s: lots of standard sized iron, bars, kettlebell handles, speed bag & heavy bag, thick handles, iron boots.  You get the idea.

Now, you ask, why wasn't the kid doing this project himself?  I asked the same question.  The quick answer was that he had, but because of a divorce, Mom did not approve.  It was up to Grandpa to help instill a little rebellion in the kid.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

PS.  The old guy had also included a picture the red head tattoo and he was right about it, she did have the right amount of curves.  I made sure to point out that Red Head Retro Pin-Up poster we did.  It's now framed in the kid's bedroom.
Pin Up Girl
Iron Boots/Workout In A Backpack
Garage Gym Guide
Kettlebell Handles