Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Coney Island Closed

by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 at 3:46pm ·

I have never been to Coney Island, but I always wanted to go.  I just figured that is would always be there...   I even lived on Long Island for a year.  Unfortunately, the carnival is closing.

Sure, I love to go to fairs and carnivals.  I even worked a Jacob's Ladder event and can still climb one to this day.  Here is the real reason I wanted to go to Coney Island.  My buddy, Vic Boff, worked a booth on the Coney Island board walk as a strongman with his buddy Charlie Phelan, during the 30's.  They are no longer with us, but I always thought I might be able to visit the long standing carnival where they performed.

Make sure you don't miss out on history.

You can get a copy of Vic's book here:

In addition to Vic's masterpiece of a training manual, we also have some great footage of Vic talking about equipment and memorabilia at the Association of Olde Time Barbell & Strongmen dinner, which he started.

So, yesterday was the last day for Coney Island's Astroland, which was the bulk of what is considered the Coney Island carnival.  You can check out more details about Coney Island at many different places on the web, but this is my little tribute.  

Remember the performing strongmen of the past, especially Vic Boff, as without men like Vic we would not have the weightlifting of today.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

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