by Atomic Athletic on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 4:28pm ·
I love pullovers. Next to doing squats, there is no other single exercise I LIKE to do more than pullovers.
Now, I know you are going to ask the obvious question. You want to know what type of pullover I'm talking about. That's the funny part. I don't care. I seem to like them all.
Just last night I did a “new” pullover and I loved it! Maybe you have done this, but maybe you haven't. I have a great bent knee adjustable sit-up bench. I cranked it almost all the way to it's most extreme angle. Then I had my training partner hand me one of our extreme angle pro-style curl bars. It was only 65 pounds, but turned into a great finishing exercise for a quick Olympic style weightlifting workout. It was really, really different – a nice contrast to the Oly stuff that worked some strange angles.
I bring this up because, like the old lifters of the past, I believe that even a one lift specialist needs to have a high level of full body fitness. Even the great Tommy Kono would take off several months from serious Olympic lifting and do some bodybuilding. It just makes sense. Everyone developments muscle imbalances and some sort of active rest is always a good idea, simply for recovery. You will find that it helps you mentally as well as physically. It's like taking a vacation that helps your overall lifting.
Olympic Curl Bar
Pro-style Curl Bars (These can be customized with the standard bend curl bar or the extreme bend curl bar, as well as black or chrome plates. Call for a quote.)
Curl Your Own Bodyweight with Yasser
Live Strong,
Roger LaPointe