Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fat Bar Workout

I use four different types of fat bars: a Bull Moose rotating Olympic 2 inch diameter bar, a non-rotating piece of 2 inch solid stock, a globe barbell with a 1 3/8 inch handle and dumbbells with my Limited Edition Brass Handles (set up with the rotating design). I realize that most of you don't have those options, but that is OK. The two I use most are the Bull Moose rotating bar and the rotating dumbbells, but I will keep this even simpler. This workout will utilize only the one barbell.

Warm-up: Stretching and light Indian Club Swinging

Standing Thick Bar Presses: 5 Sets of 5

Thick Bar Power Cleans: 10 Sets of 3

Back Squat (No need to use a thick bar on these, but squats are a necessity and you will need to give your grip a break.) 5 Sets of 3 - Go as heavy as you possibly can, even if you can only make it to a second rep and miss the third.

Thick Bar Hack Squats (This is going to fry your Forearms like you won't believe. Don't be surprised if you have to go fairly light.) 3 Sets of 10

Jog a mile. This is just to get your system flushed out and ready for your next workout. Stretch when you finish.

Your best results will be if you can do this workout early in the day or morning, sometime before you eat a large meal or stuff yourself with a massive amount of calories and protein and carbs. A workout like this is going to boost your natural testosterone output right through the roof and you will want the great natural building blocks of real food to take advantage of it.

You can get more great workouts like this, as part of a 20 week program in Traditional Training Legendary Strength:

Here is the link:

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe

Atomic Athletic
500 Lehman Ave, Suite 21
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Phone: 419-352-5100

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Great Strongman Dinner

Last week's Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen (AOBS) Dinner was truly an awesome event. I don't use that term lightly. For those of you unfamiliar with this unique event, it is not just a dinner. It is also a time for “peers” to see current strongman acts!

Don't get hung up on the term “peers”. Slim “The Hammerman” Farman, even at 76 years old, has no one even close to being his equal. Age seems to be improving his show. Yes, his show was the grand finale and it would have been worth the trip by itself. By “peers”, I refer to the other members of the Association, some of whom have never performed a strongman act, or posed in a bodybuilding contest, or thrown a heavy weight. Yet, the vast majority would be considered experts in their own specialty of the strength world, as wide and varied as it is.

Wondering about what a classical strongman does? Check out this link:

That link is for the Double Special Edition DVD of our Atomic Athletic Great Black Swamp Olde Time Strongman Picnic of 2009. I mention this because I went to the AOBS Dinner for a number of great reasons this year. One of those reasons was to see the troop of strongmen that Slim has been mentoring. You got that right. Slim has put together his own, invitation only, strongman school. There are about half a dozen who performed at the dinner. My long time friend, Pat “The Human Vise” Povilaitis gave me the heads up on this one. I am sure you can see where this is going...

It is time to start sending me your performance/audition footage. There are a couple guys I am hoping to have at the next picnic, but this is the wide open time to get into the act. If you are wanting to perform at this year's picnic, give me a call and be ready to get me some sort of audition. In addition to classical performing strongmen, we have had martial artists, contortionists, jugglers, competitive strongmen and lifters, as well as a full side show tent complete with gaffs. I keep an open mind. Don't forget, we also have a vendor area, some of whom are the actual performers selling DVDs, supplements, etc.

Just a tip, I prefer UNEDITED DVDs. Of course, nothing beats a real live performance...

Give me a call if you are interested, or pass this message on to someone who may want to perform.

Live strong,
Roger LaPointe
(419) 352-5100