Fat bar training is incredibly popular today. I love it. However, there is a totally avoidable, but genuine danger associated with it. It is very easy to develop tendonitis in the thumb joint, where the thumb meets the hand.
The two easiest ways to avoid that crippeling problem are as basic as can be. First, you can make sure not to over train that joint. The tough part about it is figuring out what is too much. You have two variables there, the volume of the training and the diameter of the thick tool you are using. Both variables have a real impact. Basically, the larger the diameter the easier to over train, but there is also a tipping point. Once your grip gap is exceeded, then it becomes much, much easier to over train that joint. I show how to find that in my “Train Like A Strongman” booklet, and discuss it in the thick bar section of Train Like A Strongman DVD Vol. 2.
The second method of avoiding some of that potential for tendonitis is totally tool related. Using a rotating handle tool will help prevent it. It will also help prevent a number of potential wrist and elbow problems. For example, you can use a rotating Olympic thick bar, instead of a solid piece of bar stock. Additionally, you can use something like our rotating Brass Thick Handles for creation of thick dumbbells. It will also help with thick implement cleans and snatches. Of course that type of training will help with your Olympic lifts, a real bonus for strongman contest competitors, Olympic lifters and Cross Fit trainees.
Here are some helpful links:
Live strong,Roger LaPointe